Monday, September 7, 2009


Hand in tomorrow have lots of stuff I should have put on here from my workbook or more from bits of napkins, newspaper, tissue and other non-book and stupid things. Seen about three cool shows and read some magazines that have been interesting also have been looking though some books. Well first up are the shows I've seen.

Friday 21st August (AAAHHHH!!! Thats ages ago!) was CHA-MING-DAR-LING gallery that was organized by Erica and Anney on Taupo Quay. It was set in a building that they and several others all work in. The gallery space was two hallways a main room and a dark cupboard space. I enjoyed the space because it wasnt a typical gallery and thats what made the work so great to look at, it was a relaxed gallery. It had many cool looking lamps to light up the whole space it also gave it a very homely sort of buzz and was totally a comfortable enviroment. The art work was a mix of work from different people that the two know. The works explored different medias and it was awesome to see the diversity. The two are planning future shows which is very good news.

The second show (which was also ages ago) was on Saturday 22nd of August. It was located in Palmeston (spelling?) North at the Thermostat gallery. The show was organised by Jo Russ whos work was also in the show and it included Camillia (Mila who does this blog) Afele, Spencer Hall, Rab Lewin, Jes-ci (happens to be my cousin) Singh-Nagra, Leigh Mitchel-Anyon, Rosalie Gwilliam and Mark Brimblecombe. The show was named I Go Where The Party Takes Us and it featured one work from each photographer. There was also work from a photographer named Sean Newman but he is not part of the group and there was also a video of different Wanganui parties from Graphic Design students . The group will also be exhibiting in October in Auckland which is really great for all them obviously. The photographs all represented different views of Wanganui each photographer is currently from Wanganui and the diversity among the photographers are shown in each work.

The third show was at the Federal Gallery by UCROL by the Second year sculpture students on the 2nd of September ( not so ages ago) and the shows name was Soup Kitchen. One of the works that stood out was Anneys safety pin lazy boy chair with a apparent full sack sitting on the chair and two more full sacks on the floor and hanging beside the chair. The reaction of people walking past and touching the sacks were funny because the sacks would move a bit and the comments people made were equally funny. At the end of the show Anney revealed what were in the sacks to the remaining bunch who were still there and it turned out to three people staying reasonably still for 1 1/2 hours. Another work that stood out was a hanging structure of a large beautiful flower. The colours were bright and it looked to be made out of kite like material I hope the maker of it will make many different ones to fill a room which would be visually pleasing. A work done by Brandon was another that was interesting. It was a video of Brandon cleaning the cupboard beside the screen showing the video and filling the room with what he calls his best art piece ever but we dont see him make it because of the way he filmed it and we dont get to see it in the cupboard because he locked it and we don't get to see him clear the cupboard out because he'll do it secretly. He got the idea from when Einstein died. Einstein died in the States and his last words were spoken in German to a nurse who didnt understand German. Another work was done by a person who I heard orginally made the piece for special needs students and of course when a work has a theme that relates to you, you are likely to understand and appreciate it a lot more. The piece was a spinning frame that had these tubes on it you spun the piece by the handle and it made funny noises there was also a box of noise making tubes on the ground and it was cool to see kids play with them. Interactive pieces are great for kids and adults alike makes you not get so bored. The last artwork I'll talk about is Viviens. It was a dark room where provided lasers and torches were taken into. There were two laser machines, jellyfish wall that lighted up when you stood on a pedal and a very cool ceramic looking city. Each piece could work on its own which is where the part of limited space for a gallery rant would come in if I really cared, but there was a bit of a case where less is more would of been better but the pieces were visually interesting and she did well.

Time for tiredness, anyway, on the 27th of the ages ago August pictures from I-D Magazine from Ben (sometimes known as Been) Johnson were sent to me on Slutbook (also known as Facebook). These pictures contain highly colourful and done up pictures of SpongeBob SquarePants. The magazine portrayed him as they would a movie star, musician, model or maybe a sports figure(?). It was interesting to see images not about ideal beauty and lifestyle even though SpongeBob looked highly fashionable I don't think many of his fellow cartoon stars would think he was the ideal beauty of Bikini Bottom. The pictures interested me because I work with a lot of magazine images in my art making. I could'nt read the article to well because of image size but it looks like the magazine had a interview with SpongeBob. Clowns. They was also a image that i found to be not my favorite but it was of SpongeBobs shoes and other fancy shoes around it and of a shoe with the Converse logo it wasnt that bad I suppose a bit. I was trying to put images on from Slutbook but i can't.

Another magazine I read through is one given to me by my dear parents. The Magazine is called Frieze and it is the November-December 2008 Issue 119 but i got it late March from them which is late in general but i havent given it a good look before August sometime. The Magazine has articles on Films, Books and Music as well as Art. It is filled with many many many ads which is most of the visual content the advertisments are of course on the different gallery shows which are all in Europe so its cool to know whats happening there even if the magazine is oldish. There is lots of writing in very small print that it is hard to read a whole article. The articles I half read were on a defunct magazine called FILE which had some fantastic imagery, a angry guy called Jean-Philippe Obu-Stevenson who is a curator who is angry at Sarah Thornton for not including him in her book Seven Days In The Art World so hes written a book called Don't You Know Who I Am? Actualizing Myself In The Art World and has published a preface in this magazine and an article on The John Peel Sessions of the band Magazine which when I first saw it I thought it was on John Peel himself, Dissapointment.

And last of all a great fun book called Art Game Book another little thing my dear parents have given me. The book starts with how to use it then it begins with Fauvism all the way to Indiscernible Art which then ends the book with where to look for art. The book is very colourful and has Who Painted Who, Guess The Artwork and How Much Does It Cost games along way while learning about different movements. It also has a pull up game that reveals quotes from different artists which is a fun read. Definitely a good book for people who need to learn more about modern art but its also good for a read just to remember useful artists you have forgotten then found then added in to you studio practise workbook.

So thats all my notes. Thank you and good night. From Prue. And its not nearly 4 when I posted it, its nearly 1 idiot blog.

- Prue


  1. I'm just curious if you're still a loser after 3 years or that work paid off ? :D


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Wanganui, New Zealand
Camillia Afele


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