Monday, July 20, 2009

Studio Dissertation Class 302

Introduction to Studio Dissertation with the importance of research :D
Tutor: Matt Couper
Class: Gangsters Paradise
Lesson: 1

It seems to only just be the tip of the iceberg!!! Prune is saying its still heaps. But my thoughts are lots of fun things. Matt is telling us about all of the galleries, telling us who they exhibit and what kinda galleries they are. He was just telling us that Brit Bunkley is going to exhibit with Tom Turner at the City Art Rooms up in Auckland.
Well actually the exhibition is on currently.

Aaron has some very interesting questions. Made more sense to me tbh, I had often wondered about how one would make relations with art dealers/gallerists (?).

James Wallace Trust Gallery. Brian told Prune that we should enter this... Said that a student has won the James Wallace Arts Award. I think we should enter this :D Note to self. Must get an Application to fill out and send then figure out what to do from there.

Mary Newton Gallery. Exhibits tutors of Prune and mines, Brit Bunkley and Andrea Du Chatineeri (IM sorry i cant spell your last name!) I will come back an correct it.

hmmmm I wonder what is for lunch.

I never knew that there were soooo many dealer galleries around. I think we'r only up to the Ws in the alphabet.

Dealer Galleries, Artist run spaces just something to think about. to be more self motivated in getting out. Just looking at Peter Peryer's Blog, he has a few links on his page. Oh "BEST of 3" is another linked blog, shes into bloggin and is into the gadgetry. Courtney Johnson is she.

Plenty of stuff out there to keep us interested.
Read blogs, read stuff


Till next time
Prune and Mila Flurofood :D

Next week we should hopefully have a curator come in to talk to us :D

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Wanganui, New Zealand
Camillia Afele


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