Thursday, July 30, 2009


As I'm sitting here listening to Notorious BIG aka Biggie Smalls, I thought I would flick through the eyeCONTACT blog and have myself a little nosey at what's on his blog. One in particular caught my eye and got me reading the whole thread. Lol i say to myself as Im reading it, Im curious to see what this book is about. I like the way he comments and say's how Haruhiko Sameshima's work is both fascinating and frustrating, two words that would get me both confused and excited about viewing his book. Its like you know that moment when theres like only one piece of chocolate left in the box, and you try to savour that taste. I guess buying the book, I'll have that taste in my mouth for years to come :D
All for the fun

Haruhiko Sameshima - Bold Centuries: a photographic history album
With essays by: Kyla Macfarlane, Ingrid Horrocks, John Wilson, Tim Corbalis, Aaron Lister, Damian Skinner and Claudia Bell
Rim Books 2009

I'll keep you posted till I get it.

- Mila

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Wanganui, New Zealand
Camillia Afele


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