Monday, July 27, 2009

Lecture Notes 2 :D

Guest Curator: Peter Ireland

in the discussion of Curatatorial Process.

when confronting something curating, we'r told not to be frightened by it, in away its like our own art practice, all this stuff, theres us our ideas, and eventually it turns into something that ppl will like and will want to buy it and its like curating, its parallel, curatorial will feed into our art practice and will do it for the fun :D....

the question is what is the point of this show/exhibition? and who is this show for?
It seems all the details (statement, titles) all relate back to the show, to begin you need an idea for the show.

When artists put a show together they assume the show is for themselves, but thinking realistically the show is for :Public - to focus on someone quite ordinary, you want to speak to them and taking into account you want them to go away with the feeling of engagement and the wanting to come back and view the show.

its about what you know and what you dont know, one of the problems if you think the show is only for you, the show will only be about what you know. IF your committed to education, then the show becomes more about learning, the lust for learning what you dont know, its more about sinking into habbits, its about the amazing pool of what you dont know, it should tantalize the tastebuds.

For your mates. not for the good. its becomes a stumbling block.

the art Professionals.
Modernism: Originality and Authenticity.
Post Modernism questions both the originality and authenticity of the work.
Thus, the originality becomes the fake.

Art that can be about alot of things and art that can be about other art. Alot of the art that survives 20% of its period is the art that is about art.

Any idea that is well thought through is going to please everybody.

the reason why artist write wanky art statements is coz they think that they are inadequate and think they have to impress anyone. Being an artist means you make good art, and everything else will follow. You make coping mechanisism to writing art statements.

- Mila/Prue

1 comment:

  1. Im sitting here thinking about art statements and OMG i have to write an Artist Statement for a catalogue due in on the 7 August... What to write about... Maybe I'll do it here and comment on it myself then go on and continue to work on it with the help of the fun.


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Wanganui, New Zealand
Camillia Afele


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